Scientific Investigation in Biology

1.4 Scientific Investigation in Biology
Scientific investigations prove the validity of a hypothesis that has been made
Methods of Scientific Investigation
This image is a flowchart titled Scientific Investigation. It outlines the steps involved in a scientific investigation process. The steps are: 1. Identifying the Problem 2. Forming Hypothesis 3. Planning and Carrying Out Investigation 4. Identifying and Controlling Variables 5. Collecting Data 6. Analyzing & Interpreting Data 7. Writing a Report 8. Drawing Conclusion Arrows indicate the sequence of steps, showing the flow from one step to the next.

Scientific Investigation in Biology

1.4 Scientific Investigation in Biology
Scientific investigations prove the validity of a hypothesis that has been made
Methods of Scientific Investigation
This image is a flowchart titled Scientific Investigation. It outlines the steps involved in a scientific investigation process. The steps are: 1. Identifying the Problem 2. Forming Hypothesis 3. Planning and Carrying Out Investigation 4. Identifying and Controlling Variables 5. Collecting Data 6. Analyzing & Interpreting Data 7. Writing a Report 8. Drawing Conclusion Arrows indicate the sequence of steps, showing the flow from one step to the next.