Movement of Substances Across a Plasma Membrane in Living Organisms

Movement of Substances Across a Plasma Membrane in Living Organisms
Active and passive transport in living organisms:
Passive transport Active transport
  • gaseous exchange between an alveolus and a blood capillary through simple diffusion.
  • reabsorption of water occurs by osmosis through the renal tubule in the kidney.
  • absorption of water by a plant root hair cell by osmosis.
  • absorption of fructose molecule in the villus by facilitated diffusion.
  • absorption of glucose and amino acids in the villus.
  • reabsorption of glucose through the renal tubule in the kidney.
  • transport of sucrose from a leaf to a phloem tissue.
  • absorption of mineral ions by a plant root hair cell.
Hypertonic,hypotonic and isotonic solutions:
Solution Description
Hypertonic A solution that has high concentration of solute
Hypotonic A solution that has low concentration of solute
Isotonic A solution that has the same concentration of solute with the water potential
The effects of hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic solutions on animal cells and plant cells:
Animal cell Condition Plant cell


A solution that has low concentration of solute than water in a cell; causing the water to diffuse in



A solution that has high concentration of solute than water in a cell; causing the water to diffuse out

Plasmolysis and flaccid
Maintain its shape


A solution that has the same concentration of solute with the water potential in a cell; not net movement of substance

Maintain its shape


Movement of Substances Across a Plasma Membrane in Living Organisms

Movement of Substances Across a Plasma Membrane in Living Organisms
Active and passive transport in living organisms:
Passive transport Active transport
  • gaseous exchange between an alveolus and a blood capillary through simple diffusion.
  • reabsorption of water occurs by osmosis through the renal tubule in the kidney.
  • absorption of water by a plant root hair cell by osmosis.
  • absorption of fructose molecule in the villus by facilitated diffusion.
  • absorption of glucose and amino acids in the villus.
  • reabsorption of glucose through the renal tubule in the kidney.
  • transport of sucrose from a leaf to a phloem tissue.
  • absorption of mineral ions by a plant root hair cell.
Hypertonic,hypotonic and isotonic solutions:
Solution Description
Hypertonic A solution that has high concentration of solute
Hypotonic A solution that has low concentration of solute
Isotonic A solution that has the same concentration of solute with the water potential
The effects of hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic solutions on animal cells and plant cells:
Animal cell Condition Plant cell


A solution that has low concentration of solute than water in a cell; causing the water to diffuse in



A solution that has high concentration of solute than water in a cell; causing the water to diffuse out

Plasmolysis and flaccid
Maintain its shape


A solution that has the same concentration of solute with the water potential in a cell; not net movement of substance

Maintain its shape