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Explain the observations on safety precautions in handling electrical appliances and the conservation of electricity through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way
Equipment Handling Safety and Electricity Saving
Equipment Handling Safety and Electricity Saving
Safety measures when operating electrical equipment must be emphasized to prevent accidents.
The safety measures that need to be taken are:
Avoid repairing electrical equipment when a switch is still on
Keep hands dry when touching the switch
The switch on the socket must be turned off before unplugging it from the socket
Damaged wires need to be replaced with new wires
Make sure electrical equipment is monitored while using it.
Connect only one plug to one socket.
Avoid leaving the iron on the clothes for a while.
Avoid playing kites near electrical cables.
Do not use damaged electrical appliances
Damaged equipment must be repaired by an authorized party
Electricity makes our daily lives easier and more comfortable
However, unwise use of electrical equipment will lead to high consumption of electricity which in turn increases the cost of electricity
Prudent use of electricity can reduce our monthly electricity bills
The measures to save electricity
Using a fan instead of air conditioner
Reduce the use of water heaters during bathing/showering
Turn off the light during sleep
Do not leave electrical appliances switch on when not in use
Do not leave the refrigerator door open for too long
Using energy-saving lamps such as LED lamps and compact fluorescent lamps instead of filament lamps
Unplug unused electrical appliances
Equipment Handling Safety and Electricity Saving
Equipment Handling Safety and Electricity Saving
Safety measures when operating electrical equipment must be emphasized to prevent accidents.
The safety measures that need to be taken are:
Avoid repairing electrical equipment when a switch is still on
Keep hands dry when touching the switch
The switch on the socket must be turned off before unplugging it from the socket
Damaged wires need to be replaced with new wires
Make sure electrical equipment is monitored while using it.
Connect only one plug to one socket.
Avoid leaving the iron on the clothes for a while.
Avoid playing kites near electrical cables.
Do not use damaged electrical appliances
Damaged equipment must be repaired by an authorized party
Electricity makes our daily lives easier and more comfortable
However, unwise use of electrical equipment will lead to high consumption of electricity which in turn increases the cost of electricity
Prudent use of electricity can reduce our monthly electricity bills
The measures to save electricity
Using a fan instead of air conditioner
Reduce the use of water heaters during bathing/showering
Turn off the light during sleep
Do not leave electrical appliances switch on when not in use
Do not leave the refrigerator door open for too long
Using energy-saving lamps such as LED lamps and compact fluorescent lamps instead of filament lamps
Unplug unused electrical appliances
Chapter : Electricity
Topic : Explain the observations on safety precautions in handling electrical appliances and the conservation of electricity through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way
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