Science Process Skills

  • Scientific skills is the ability to apply scientific knowledge to identify questions & problems that can be explained through a scientific process & derive conclusions based on facts obtained to better understand the world and the changes made to it by human activity, thus help make decisions about it
1.1  Science Process Skills

Science process skills include

  • observing qualities
  • measuring quantities
  • sorting/classifying
  • inferring/deducing
  • predicting
  • experimenting
  • communicating
Relationship between space and time

Applying the relationship of space and time in a daily life is a skill to describe changes in an event or phenomenon based on changes in parameters such as location, direction, shape, size, volume and weight in chronological order
In above experiment, shape size of the ice cream are the parameter changes. 
The space-time relationship in the above situation is that, as time increases, the shape of the ice cream becomes uneven and its size decreases.
Interpret the data
The skill of giving a rational description of an object, event or pattern from the data collected
Operational definition
The skill of giving a definition about a concept by stating things that can be done and observed
Controlling the variables
A variable is something that can change in an investigation.

Types of variable:

  • Manipulated variable (the independent variable in an experiment that you can change/manipulate)
  • Constant or controlled variable (does not change throughout the course of an experiment)
  • Responding variable (something that "respond" to the changes you make in the experiment)
Making hypothesis
The skill of making early general statements that can be testified about the relationships between variables in an investigation.
A hypothesis can be verified/certified with conducting the experiment.
The skill of planning & conducting an investigation to test a hypothesis by collecting & interpreting data to draw conclusions in the investigation.

Steps to plan an experiment:

  1. Define the problems, make problem statements
  2. Make hypothesis
  3. Controlling the variables
  4. Listing tools and materials
  5. Designing steps to test the hypothesis
A hypothesis can be tested and verified by conducting the experiment using the steps that we already designed before.
After conducting the experiment, we collect the data and interpret the said data. 
Based on the interpretation of the data that has been made, we can determine whether the hypotheses are accepted or not

Science Process Skills

  • Scientific skills is the ability to apply scientific knowledge to identify questions & problems that can be explained through a scientific process & derive conclusions based on facts obtained to better understand the world and the changes made to it by human activity, thus help make decisions about it
1.1  Science Process Skills

Science process skills include

  • observing qualities
  • measuring quantities
  • sorting/classifying
  • inferring/deducing
  • predicting
  • experimenting
  • communicating
Relationship between space and time

Applying the relationship of space and time in a daily life is a skill to describe changes in an event or phenomenon based on changes in parameters such as location, direction, shape, size, volume and weight in chronological order
In above experiment, shape size of the ice cream are the parameter changes. 
The space-time relationship in the above situation is that, as time increases, the shape of the ice cream becomes uneven and its size decreases.
Interpret the data
The skill of giving a rational description of an object, event or pattern from the data collected
Operational definition
The skill of giving a definition about a concept by stating things that can be done and observed
Controlling the variables
A variable is something that can change in an investigation.

Types of variable:

  • Manipulated variable (the independent variable in an experiment that you can change/manipulate)
  • Constant or controlled variable (does not change throughout the course of an experiment)
  • Responding variable (something that "respond" to the changes you make in the experiment)
Making hypothesis
The skill of making early general statements that can be testified about the relationships between variables in an investigation.
A hypothesis can be verified/certified with conducting the experiment.
The skill of planning & conducting an investigation to test a hypothesis by collecting & interpreting data to draw conclusions in the investigation.

Steps to plan an experiment:

  1. Define the problems, make problem statements
  2. Make hypothesis
  3. Controlling the variables
  4. Listing tools and materials
  5. Designing steps to test the hypothesis
A hypothesis can be tested and verified by conducting the experiment using the steps that we already designed before.
After conducting the experiment, we collect the data and interpret the said data. 
Based on the interpretation of the data that has been made, we can determine whether the hypotheses are accepted or not