Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers

1.3  Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers

Prime numbers are numbers that are greater than number 1 and only divisible by 1 and itself.


Identify whether the number below is a prime number or not.

  • 17 = Yes
  • 21 = No (Can be divisible by 3 and 7)
  • 27 = No (Can be divisible by 3 and 9) 


Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers

1.3  Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers

Prime numbers are numbers that are greater than number 1 and only divisible by 1 and itself.


Identify whether the number below is a prime number or not.

  • 17 = Yes
  • 21 = No (Can be divisible by 3 and 7)
  • 27 = No (Can be divisible by 3 and 9)