Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration as a Function of Time

8.1   Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration as a Function of Time
  • Displacement is a vector quantity that has a magnitude and a direction
  • Distance scalar quantity
  • The value of displacement can be positive, zero or negative
Displacement, \(s\)

A particle from a fixed point is the distance of the particle from the fixed point measured on a certain direction.


A scalar quantity that refers to the total path travelled by an object.

  • The displacement of a particle at a certain time is called instantaneous displacement

  • In general,

     If \(O\) is a fixed point and the movement of a particle to the right is positive, then    
1. The displacement is negative, \(s \text{ < } 0\), meaning the particle is on the left of point \(O\).
2. The displacement is zero, \(s=0\), meaning the particle is on the point \(O\).
3. The displacement is positive, \(s \text{ > } 0\), meaning the particle is on the right of point \(O\).
  • Velocity, \(v\) is a vector quantity that has a magnitude and a direction
  • Speed is scalar quantity
Velocity, \(v\)
  The rate of change of displacement with time.  


  The rate of change of distance with time.  
  • The velocity of an object at a certain time is called an instantaneous velocity
  • In general,
  If \(O\) is a fixed point and the movement of a particle to the right is positive, then  

The velocity is positive, \(v\text{ > }0\), meaning that the particle moves to the right.

2. The velocity is zero, \(v=0\), meaning that the particle is at rest, that is, the particle is stationary.
3. The velocity is negative, \(v\text{ < }0\), meaning that the particle moves to the left.


  • Acceleration is a vector quantity that has magnitude and direction
  • The acceleration function is a function of time
Acceleration, \(a\)

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time.



Uniform Acceleration Non-uniform Acceleration

If the rate of change of velocity with time of an object that moves is the same at any time


If the rate of change of velocity with time is different at any time



  • An acceleration, \(a\) at a certain time, \(t\) is called an instantaneous acceleration 
  • It can be obtained by determining the gradient of tangent of velocity-time graph at time, \(t\)
  • In general, 

If the movement of a particle to the right is positive, then


The acceleration is positive, \(a\text{ > }0\), meaning the velocity of particle is increasing with time.

2. The acceleration is zero, \(a=0\), meaning the velocity of particle is either maximum or minimum.

The acceleration is negative,  meaning the velocity of particle is decreasing with time


A particle moves along a straight line and passes through a fixed point \(O\)


Its displacement, \(s \text{ m}\), of the particle \(t\) seconds after it starts moving is given as 


Calculate the instantaneous displacement, in \(\text{m}\), and determine the position of the particle from point \(O\) when \(t=10\).


Its velocity, \(v\text{ ms}^{-1}\), at \(t\) after passing through the point \(O\) is given by


Calculate the initial velocity in \(\text{ms}^{-1}\), of the particle.


At \(t\) seconds after passing through \(O\), its acceleration, \(a \text{ ms}^{-2}\), is given by


Calculate the instantaneous acceleration, in \(\text{ms}^{-2}\), of the particle when \(t=7\).


Given \(s=4+8t-t^2\).

When \(t=10\),

\(s=4+8(10)-(10)^2\\ s=4+80-100\\ s=-16\)

Therefore, the particle is located \(16\text{ m}\) from the fixed point \(O\) when \(t=10\)


Given \(v=3t-12\).

At initial velocity, \(t=0\),

\(v=3(0)-12\\ v=-12\)

Hence, the initial velocity of the particle is \(-12\text{ ms}^{-1}\).


Given \(a=12-4t\).

When \(t=7\),

\(a=12-4(7)\\ a=-16\)

Therefore, the instantaneous acceleration of the particle when \(t=7\) is \(-16\text{ ms}^{-2}\)