Speed of an object

Every moving object has speed. This chapter explains more about units for speed, calculating speed and also the factors that affect speed.
7.1  Speed of an object
Speed indicates how fast an object moves while a stationary object has no speed.
  Speed is the measurement of how fast or slow an object moves from one place to another  
  • Different objects move at different speeds
  • An object that moves fast will arrive at the destination in a short time while an object that moves slowly will take a longer time to reach the destination
  • Fast objects will move farther over the same period of time

Units for Speed

  • Speed involves distance and time
  Units for Speed  
a. Centimetre per second (cm/s)
(turtles, snails)
b. Metre per second (m/s)
(run, squirrel)
c. Kilometre per hour (km/j)
(race cars, horses, airplanes)

10 mm = 1 cm

100 cm = 1 m

1000 m = 1 km

60 seconds = 1 minute

60 minutes = 1 hour

24 hours = 1 day


Relationship Between Speed, Distance and Time

  • The distance traveled and the period of time taken by a moving object have relationship with speed
  • Object that moves faster will moves farther in a given time
    (The faster the object moves, the farther the distance traveled by the object in a given time)
  • Object that moves faster takes a shorter time at move at a fixed distance
    (The faster the object moves, the shorter the time it takes for the object to reach the specified destination)
Factors of Speed
Distance Time
Move further in the same period of time Takes a shorter time to move within the same distance
Formula of Speed






Speed of an object

Every moving object has speed. This chapter explains more about units for speed, calculating speed and also the factors that affect speed.
7.1  Speed of an object
Speed indicates how fast an object moves while a stationary object has no speed.
  Speed is the measurement of how fast or slow an object moves from one place to another  
  • Different objects move at different speeds
  • An object that moves fast will arrive at the destination in a short time while an object that moves slowly will take a longer time to reach the destination
  • Fast objects will move farther over the same period of time

Units for Speed

  • Speed involves distance and time
  Units for Speed  
a. Centimetre per second (cm/s)
(turtles, snails)
b. Metre per second (m/s)
(run, squirrel)
c. Kilometre per hour (km/j)
(race cars, horses, airplanes)

10 mm = 1 cm

100 cm = 1 m

1000 m = 1 km

60 seconds = 1 minute

60 minutes = 1 hour

24 hours = 1 day


Relationship Between Speed, Distance and Time

  • The distance traveled and the period of time taken by a moving object have relationship with speed
  • Object that moves faster will moves farther in a given time
    (The faster the object moves, the farther the distance traveled by the object in a given time)
  • Object that moves faster takes a shorter time at move at a fixed distance
    (The faster the object moves, the shorter the time it takes for the object to reach the specified destination)
Factors of Speed
Distance Time
Move further in the same period of time Takes a shorter time to move within the same distance
Formula of Speed