Chapter 1: Rational Numbers
Chapter 2: Factors and Multiples
Chapter 3: Squares, Square Roots, Cubes and Cube Roots
Chapter 4: Ratio, Rates and Proportion
Chapter 5: Algebraic Expressions
Chapter 6: Linear Equations
Chapter 7: Linear Inequalities
Chapter 8: Lines and Angles
Chapter 9: Basic Polygons
Chapter 10: Perimeter and Area
Chapter 11: Introduction to Set
Chapter 12: Data Handling
Chapter 13: The Pythagoras Theorem

Chapter 9: Basic Polygons
Recognise and list geometric properties of various types of triangles. Hence classify triangles based on geometric properties.
State the relationship between the number of sides, vertices and diagonals of polygons.
Properties of quadrilaterals and the interior and exterior angles of quadrilaterals
Properties of triangles and the interior and exterior angles of triangles

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