

8.1  Dispersion 

Measures of dispersion are measurement in statistics.

It give us an idea of how values of a set of data are scattered. 

Dispersion small if the data set are quantitative measures such as range, interquartile range, variance and standard deviation 


The distribution of data is different. 

To understand the dispersion of data, the difference between the largest value and the smalles value is taken into consideration.

If the difference between the value is large, it indicates that the data is widely dispersed and vice versa. 


The table below shows the masses, in \(kg\) of \(10\) pupils


State the difference in mass, in \(kg\) of the pupils



Largest mass \(= 75\)

Smallest mass \(=8\)

Difference in mass,

 \(\begin{aligned} &\space = 75-8 \\\\& = 67. \end{aligned}\)

  Stem and leaf plot   

It is a way to show the distributions of a set of data. 

Through stem-and-leaf plot, we can see whether the data is more likely to appear or least likely to appear. 

  Steps to plot the stem-and-leaf plot   

Given the data is unorganised, for example 

\(52\) \(33\)
\(25\) \(38\)
\(53\) \(53\)
\(35\) \(25\)
\(53\) \(49\)
  Thus, we cannot see the dispersion immediately. We set the tens digit as the stem and the unit digit as the leaf for the given data.  
Stem Leaf
\(2\) \(5,5\)
\(3\) \(3,5,8\)
\(4\) \(9\)
\(5\) \( 2,3,3,3\)
  Key \(2|5 \) means \(25\)  
  Dot plots   

It is a statistical chart that contains points plotted using a uniform scale.

Each point represents a value 

  Example of dot plot   




8.1  Dispersion 

Measures of dispersion are measurement in statistics.

It give us an idea of how values of a set of data are scattered. 

Dispersion small if the data set are quantitative measures such as range, interquartile range, variance and standard deviation 


The distribution of data is different. 

To understand the dispersion of data, the difference between the largest value and the smalles value is taken into consideration.

If the difference between the value is large, it indicates that the data is widely dispersed and vice versa. 


The table below shows the masses, in \(kg\) of \(10\) pupils


State the difference in mass, in \(kg\) of the pupils



Largest mass \(= 75\)

Smallest mass \(=8\)

Difference in mass,

 \(\begin{aligned} &\space = 75-8 \\\\& = 67. \end{aligned}\)

  Stem and leaf plot   

It is a way to show the distributions of a set of data. 

Through stem-and-leaf plot, we can see whether the data is more likely to appear or least likely to appear. 

  Steps to plot the stem-and-leaf plot   

Given the data is unorganised, for example 

\(52\) \(33\)
\(25\) \(38\)
\(53\) \(53\)
\(35\) \(25\)
\(53\) \(49\)
  Thus, we cannot see the dispersion immediately. We set the tens digit as the stem and the unit digit as the leaf for the given data.  
Stem Leaf
\(2\) \(5,5\)
\(3\) \(3,5,8\)
\(4\) \(9\)
\(5\) \( 2,3,3,3\)
  Key \(2|5 \) means \(25\)  
  Dot plots   

It is a statistical chart that contains points plotted using a uniform scale.

Each point represents a value 

  Example of dot plot