Capsule - English Language

AI Language Learning: Your Secret Weapon to Help Kids Master English

AI Language Learning: Your Secret Weapon to Help Kids Master English

Imagine having a clone of yourself offering focused attention to each student, helping them overcome specific challenges and catering to their unique needs. Let's explore how AI tools can transform your classroom.


Evaluating Skill For Four Language Skills (LSRW)

Evaluating Skill For Four Language Skills (LSRW)

We always evaluate many things in real life such as people, situations, actions,stories. ideas etc. Skillful evaluating helps ...


Identifying Facts and Opinions

Identifying Facts and Opinions

Identifying facts and opinions are important to be introduced to learners. Learners should be taught the skills of identifying simple ...


Making Associations or Connections: With The Word “Round”

Making Associations or Connections: With The Word “Round”

Learners must learn to make as many associations or connections as possible with regard to what is required and to make them quickly. This skill ...


Teaching Vocabulary Through Songs

Teaching Vocabulary Through Songs

Vocabulary learning is an important tool because no grammatical knowledge could be communicated without vocabulary. Consequently, it is closely related to grammar learning ...


How to encourage shy learners to speak English in class

How to encourage shy learners to speak English in class

In English lessons, some students tend to be very shy and quiet in the classroom...


Comparing and Contrasting

Comparing and Contrasting

Comparing and contrasting skill is important to be used in language lesson because it helps learners to have a better understanding of ...


Labeling Activity : Scaffold Writing for ESL Learners

Labeling Activity : Scaffold Writing for ESL Learners

The word ‘writing’ does not usually stimulate positive feeling in many pupils especially for those who ...


Teaching Vocabulary to a mixed-ability English class (Year 4)

Teaching Vocabulary to a mixed-ability English class (Year 4)

Pupils in Year 4 are preparing themselves before they can write an essay. It is very important for pupils to ...


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