Synonym and Antonym



1.1    SYNONYM

Synonym (SAME meaning)

A word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language. 


For example: 

     WORDS           SYNONYMS     
Shut Close
Kind Nice
Noisy Loud
Glad Happy
Fast Quick
Afraid Scared
Centre Middle
Enjoy Like
Equal Same
Rock Stone
1.2    ANTONYM

Antonym (OPPOSITE meaning)

A word opposite in meaning to another.

     WORDS           ANTONYMS     
Bad Good
Anger Happiness
Large Small
Unhappy Glad
Give Take
Heavy Light
Add Subtract
Hungry Full
Tall Short
Over Under

Synonym and Antonym



1.1    SYNONYM

Synonym (SAME meaning)

A word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language. 


For example: 

     WORDS           SYNONYMS     
Shut Close
Kind Nice
Noisy Loud
Glad Happy
Fast Quick
Afraid Scared
Centre Middle
Enjoy Like
Equal Same
Rock Stone
1.2    ANTONYM

Antonym (OPPOSITE meaning)

A word opposite in meaning to another.

     WORDS           ANTONYMS     
Bad Good
Anger Happiness
Large Small
Unhappy Glad
Give Take
Heavy Light
Add Subtract
Hungry Full
Tall Short
Over Under