Living Things and Non-living Things

  • Living things have their own characteristics and basic needs.


Living Things and Non-living Things


What is living things? 

The term living thing refers to things that are now or once were alive. A non-living thing is anything that was never alive.


Characteristics of Living Things 

  • In order for something to be classified as living, it must grow and develop, use energy, reproduce, be made of cells, respond to its environment, and adapt.

Size of Living Things

  • Humans, animals and plants existed in multiple sizes. 
  • As example:

If the animals are arranged from big to small. The largest animal in the picture is the cow and the smallest animal in the picture is a bird. 

  • The following shows the arrangement of animals based on size:-


Living Things and Non-living Things

  • Living things have their own characteristics and basic needs.


Living Things and Non-living Things


What is living things? 

The term living thing refers to things that are now or once were alive. A non-living thing is anything that was never alive.


Characteristics of Living Things 

  • In order for something to be classified as living, it must grow and develop, use energy, reproduce, be made of cells, respond to its environment, and adapt.

Size of Living Things

  • Humans, animals and plants existed in multiple sizes. 
  • As example:

If the animals are arranged from big to small. The largest animal in the picture is the cow and the smallest animal in the picture is a bird. 

  • The following shows the arrangement of animals based on size:-