
1.5  Estimate
Estimation is made by stating the quantity based on a reference set and using “approximate”, “less than” and “more than”.
  Container 1 Container 2 Container 3  

The amount of water in container 2 is more or less half the amount of water in container 3.


  • The amount of water in container 1 is less than \(1\,500\space\ell\).
  • The amount of water in container 3 is more than \(1\,500\space\ell\).



1.5  Estimate
Estimation is made by stating the quantity based on a reference set and using “approximate”, “less than” and “more than”.
  Container 1 Container 2 Container 3  

The amount of water in container 2 is more or less half the amount of water in container 3.


  • The amount of water in container 1 is less than \(1\,500\space\ell\).
  • The amount of water in container 3 is more than \(1\,500\space\ell\).