Addition within 10 000

2.1  Addition within 10 000

There are various methods to solve suitable addition operations for numbers up to 10 000

  • Using an abacus
  • Using common forms
Examples of questions and solutions to addition operations
Birds 1 382
Elephants 6
Crocodiles 15
Monkeys 104

The table above shows the number of animals in a zoo. How many birds and monkeys are there?

Mathematical sentences: \(1\,382\space+\space104\space=\space\underline{\quad\quad}\)

  Using an abacus    
  Using common forms \(\begin{array} {rr} \quad \\1\,\space\space3\space8\space2 \\+\quad\space\space\space1\space0\space4 \\\hline\space1\,\space\space4\space8\space2 \\\hline \end{array} \)  
  • When 0 is added to any number, the answer is the number itself


Addition within 10 000

2.1  Addition within 10 000

There are various methods to solve suitable addition operations for numbers up to 10 000

  • Using an abacus
  • Using common forms
Examples of questions and solutions to addition operations
Birds 1 382
Elephants 6
Crocodiles 15
Monkeys 104

The table above shows the number of animals in a zoo. How many birds and monkeys are there?

Mathematical sentences: \(1\,382\space+\space104\space=\space\underline{\quad\quad}\)

  Using an abacus    
  Using common forms \(\begin{array} {rr} \quad \\1\,\space\space3\space8\space2 \\+\quad\space\space\space1\space0\space4 \\\hline\space1\,\space\space4\space8\space2 \\\hline \end{array} \)  
  • When 0 is added to any number, the answer is the number itself