
2.3 Percentages
We will learn to convert mixed numbers to percentages and vice versa.

Percentage means 'per hundred' or \(\dfrac{1}{100}\).

  • A percentage is a fraction with \(100\) as the denominator.
  • The symbol for percentage is \(\%\) and it is read as 'percent'.


As example,

\(\begin{aligned} 0.55&=\dfrac{55}{100} \\&={\color{red}{55\%}}\end{aligned}\)



\(\begin{aligned} &\quad\space\space\space{\color{orange}{\curvearrowright\curvearrowright}}\\0.55&=0.55\times1{\color{orange}{00}}\% \\&={\color{red}{55\%}} \end{aligned}\)



2.3 Percentages
We will learn to convert mixed numbers to percentages and vice versa.

Percentage means 'per hundred' or \(\dfrac{1}{100}\).

  • A percentage is a fraction with \(100\) as the denominator.
  • The symbol for percentage is \(\%\) and it is read as 'percent'.


As example,

\(\begin{aligned} 0.55&=\dfrac{55}{100} \\&={\color{red}{55\%}}\end{aligned}\)



\(\begin{aligned} &\quad\space\space\space{\color{orange}{\curvearrowright\curvearrowright}}\\0.55&=0.55\times1{\color{orange}{00}}\% \\&={\color{red}{55\%}} \end{aligned}\)