Number Value

1.1 Number Value
  • Whole numbers or integers are written as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ...... and so on until infinity.
  • The number 0 (zero) is the first integer.
Each digit in a whole number has a place value and a digit value.  
The place value and digit value for each digit in the number 9 715 324 are as follows:  
 Digit Place Value Digit Value
9 Million 9 000 000
7 Hundred thousand 7 00 000
1 Ten thousand 10 000
5 Thousand 5 000
3 Hundred  300
2 Ten 20
4 One 4
Analyze means to sort the number according to digit value and place value.
 Digit Value:
 9 715 324 = 9 000 000 + 700 000 + 10 000 + 5000 + 300 + 20 + 4
 Place Value:
9 715 324 = 9 million + 7 hundred thousand + 1 ten thousand + 5 thousand + 3 hundred + 2 ten + 4 one


Number Value

1.1 Number Value
  • Whole numbers or integers are written as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ...... and so on until infinity.
  • The number 0 (zero) is the first integer.
Each digit in a whole number has a place value and a digit value.  
The place value and digit value for each digit in the number 9 715 324 are as follows:  
 Digit Place Value Digit Value
9 Million 9 000 000
7 Hundred thousand 7 00 000
1 Ten thousand 10 000
5 Thousand 5 000
3 Hundred  300
2 Ten 20
4 One 4
Analyze means to sort the number according to digit value and place value.
 Digit Value:
 9 715 324 = 9 000 000 + 700 000 + 10 000 + 5000 + 300 + 20 + 4
 Place Value:
9 715 324 = 9 million + 7 hundred thousand + 1 ten thousand + 5 thousand + 3 hundred + 2 ten + 4 one