Body Mass Index (BMI)


3.4  Body Mass Index (BMI)

1. Formula body mass index (BMI):

  Body Mass Index (BMI)  

 \(BMI \) \(=\)  \(Weight (kg) \over [Height (m)] ^2\)

2. Body mass index chart
BMI (\(\text {kg} \text { m}^{-2}\)) Category
< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Desirable weight
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 or more  Obese

3. The higher the BMI score, the higher the risk of getting

  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes mellitus
  • heart disease
  • cholesterol in the blood

4. Ways to increase body mass

  • Practice a healthy and balanced diet
  • Eat at fixed times
  • Consume snacks that are packed with nutrients to increase calories
  • Eat more nutritious food

5. Ways to decrease body mass

  • Set a realistic goal 
  • Monitor and record your body mass
  • Eat healthy food in moderation
  • Make a few changes to your eating habits
  • Reduce or avoid food with high sugar or fat content
  • Do moderate exercises


Body Mass Index (BMI)


3.4  Body Mass Index (BMI)

1. Formula body mass index (BMI):

  Body Mass Index (BMI)  

 \(BMI \) \(=\)  \(Weight (kg) \over [Height (m)] ^2\)

2. Body mass index chart
BMI (\(\text {kg} \text { m}^{-2}\)) Category
< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Desirable weight
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 or more  Obese

3. The higher the BMI score, the higher the risk of getting

  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes mellitus
  • heart disease
  • cholesterol in the blood

4. Ways to increase body mass

  • Practice a healthy and balanced diet
  • Eat at fixed times
  • Consume snacks that are packed with nutrients to increase calories
  • Eat more nutritious food

5. Ways to decrease body mass

  • Set a realistic goal 
  • Monitor and record your body mass
  • Eat healthy food in moderation
  • Make a few changes to your eating habits
  • Reduce or avoid food with high sugar or fat content
  • Do moderate exercises
