Concentration of Aqueous Solutions

6.5  Concentration of Aqueous Solution
Concentration of A Solution
  • Is a measurement that shows the quantity of solute dissolved in a unit volume of solution, normally in 1 \(\text{dm}^{-3}\) solution.
  • The higher the quantity of solute, the higher the concentration of the solution.
  • The quantity of solute dissolved can be measured in gram or mole, hence the concentration of a solution can be measured in unit \(\text{ g dm}^{-3}\) dan \(\text{mol dm}^{-3}\).
Concentration in Unit \(\text{ g dm}^{-3}\)
  • Is the mass of solute found in 1 \(\text{dm}^{-3}\) larutan.
  • The formula for concentration in \(\textbf{g dm}^{-3}\) is as belowe:

\(\text{Concentration } \text{(g dm}^{-3}) = \dfrac{\text{Mass of solute dissolved (g)}}{\text{Volume of solution (dm}^3)}\)

Concentration in Unit \(\text{mol dm}^{-3}\)
  • Is the number of moles of solute found in 1 \(\text{dm}^{-3}\) solution.
  • This concentration is called molarity.
  • The formula for concentration in \(\textbf{mol dm}^{-3}\) is as bellow

\(\text{Concentration } \text{(mol dm}^{-3}) = \dfrac{\text{Number of moles of solute (mol)}}{\text{Volume of solution (dm}^3)}\)

Relationship between pH Values and Molarities of Acids or Alkalis
  • The pH of value of acid or alkali depends on two factors as below:

The image contains an educational diagram explaining the factors affecting the pH value of an acidic or alkaline solution. There are two main factors highlighted: ‘Degree of dissociation’ and ‘Molarity or concentration.’ Each factor is enclosed in a rectangular box with a blue outline. Red arrows point from the central figure to each of these factors. The logo ‘Pandai’ is present in the top left corner.

  • Even at the same concentration, the pH value still depends on the degree of dissociation:
    • Higher the degree of dissociation of an acid, the lower the pH value.
    • Higher the degree of dissociation of an alkali, the higher the pH value.
  • Both acid and alkali depend on their pH value for molarity:
    • High molarity of acid, lower the pH value. 
    • Higher molarity of alkali, higher the pH value. 




Concentration of Aqueous Solutions

6.5  Concentration of Aqueous Solution
Concentration of A Solution
  • Is a measurement that shows the quantity of solute dissolved in a unit volume of solution, normally in 1 \(\text{dm}^{-3}\) solution.
  • The higher the quantity of solute, the higher the concentration of the solution.
  • The quantity of solute dissolved can be measured in gram or mole, hence the concentration of a solution can be measured in unit \(\text{ g dm}^{-3}\) dan \(\text{mol dm}^{-3}\).
Concentration in Unit \(\text{ g dm}^{-3}\)
  • Is the mass of solute found in 1 \(\text{dm}^{-3}\) larutan.
  • The formula for concentration in \(\textbf{g dm}^{-3}\) is as belowe:

\(\text{Concentration } \text{(g dm}^{-3}) = \dfrac{\text{Mass of solute dissolved (g)}}{\text{Volume of solution (dm}^3)}\)

Concentration in Unit \(\text{mol dm}^{-3}\)
  • Is the number of moles of solute found in 1 \(\text{dm}^{-3}\) solution.
  • This concentration is called molarity.
  • The formula for concentration in \(\textbf{mol dm}^{-3}\) is as bellow

\(\text{Concentration } \text{(mol dm}^{-3}) = \dfrac{\text{Number of moles of solute (mol)}}{\text{Volume of solution (dm}^3)}\)

Relationship between pH Values and Molarities of Acids or Alkalis
  • The pH of value of acid or alkali depends on two factors as below:

The image contains an educational diagram explaining the factors affecting the pH value of an acidic or alkaline solution. There are two main factors highlighted: ‘Degree of dissociation’ and ‘Molarity or concentration.’ Each factor is enclosed in a rectangular box with a blue outline. Red arrows point from the central figure to each of these factors. The logo ‘Pandai’ is present in the top left corner.

  • Even at the same concentration, the pH value still depends on the degree of dissociation:
    • Higher the degree of dissociation of an acid, the lower the pH value.
    • Higher the degree of dissociation of an alkali, the higher the pH value.
  • Both acid and alkali depend on their pH value for molarity:
    • High molarity of acid, lower the pH value. 
    • Higher molarity of alkali, higher the pH value.