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Explaining the effect of the hydrogen bond on the physical properties of substances
Hydrogen Bond
Hydrogen Bond
Introduction to Hydrogen Bond
Hydrogen bonds are attraction forces between hydrogen atom, H that has bonded with an atom of high electronegativity, such as nitrogen, N, oxygen, O or fluorine, F with nitrogen, N, oxygen, O or fluorine, F in another molecule.
For example, water molecule,
O.can form hydrogen bonds among water molecules, H
O as below.
Roles of Hydrogen Bond in Daily Life
Hydrogen bonds between protein molecules in the hair structure
Formation of hydrogen bond between protein molecule and water molecule
There are protein molecules that form hydrogen bonds among one another in the hair structure.
When hair is wet, protein molecules no longer form hydrogen bonds.
Instead, protein molecules form hydrogen bonds with water molecules,
Water molecules,
will form hydrogen bonds with other hair protein molecules.
This causes hair to stick together.
The diagram below show hydrogen bonds between protein molecules in the hair structure.
Effect of Hydrogen Bonds on The Physical Properties of Substances
Compounds in the form of liquids reach the boiling point when the attraction forces between molecules are overcome.
In the covalent compound of ethanol,
, there are hydrogen bonds formed between molecules, other than weak Van der Waals attraction forces.
Strong hydrogen bonds are difficult to break
More heat energy is required to overcome the weak Van der Waals attraction forces, besides breaking the hydrogen bonds
The boiling point of ethanol,
is high. On the other hand, molecules like chlorine,
which do not form hydrogen bonds have a lower boiling point compared to ethanol.
is also soluble in water.
The solubility of ethanol,
in water is due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between the ethanol molecule,
and the water molecule,
Hydrogen Bond
Hydrogen Bond
Introduction to Hydrogen Bond
Hydrogen bonds are attraction forces between hydrogen atom, H that has bonded with an atom of high electronegativity, such as nitrogen, N, oxygen, O or fluorine, F with nitrogen, N, oxygen, O or fluorine, F in another molecule.
For example, water molecule,
O.can form hydrogen bonds among water molecules, H
O as below.
Roles of Hydrogen Bond in Daily Life
Hydrogen bonds between protein molecules in the hair structure
Formation of hydrogen bond between protein molecule and water molecule
There are protein molecules that form hydrogen bonds among one another in the hair structure.
When hair is wet, protein molecules no longer form hydrogen bonds.
Instead, protein molecules form hydrogen bonds with water molecules,
Water molecules,
will form hydrogen bonds with other hair protein molecules.
This causes hair to stick together.
The diagram below show hydrogen bonds between protein molecules in the hair structure.
Effect of Hydrogen Bonds on The Physical Properties of Substances
Compounds in the form of liquids reach the boiling point when the attraction forces between molecules are overcome.
In the covalent compound of ethanol,
, there are hydrogen bonds formed between molecules, other than weak Van der Waals attraction forces.
Strong hydrogen bonds are difficult to break
More heat energy is required to overcome the weak Van der Waals attraction forces, besides breaking the hydrogen bonds
The boiling point of ethanol,
is high. On the other hand, molecules like chlorine,
which do not form hydrogen bonds have a lower boiling point compared to ethanol.
is also soluble in water.
The solubility of ethanol,
in water is due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between the ethanol molecule,
and the water molecule,
Chapter : Chemical Bonds
Topic : Explaining the effect of the hydrogen bond on the physical properties of substances
Form 4
View all notes for Chemistry Form 4
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