
  • Similies compare things that are alike in some way.
  • There are some examples of similies that are most commonly used:
1.   as alike as two peas
2.   as beautiful as the rainbow
3.   as blind as a bat
4.   as brave as a lion
5.   as busy as a bee
6.   as clear as a crystal
7.   as cool as a cucumber
8.   as deep as the sea
9.   as easy as ABC
10.   as faithful as a dog
11.   as fierce as a lion
12.   as graceful as a swan
13.   as loud as thunder
14.   as playful as a puppy
15.   as proud as a peacock
16.   as quick as lightning
17.   as slippery as an eel
18.   as sweet as honey
19.   as timid as a mouse
20.   as wide as the ocean
  • Following are the examples of the similies used in the sentences:
1.   You were as brave as a lion.
2.   They fought like cats and dogs.
3.   He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
4.   This house is as clean as a whistle.
5.   He is as strong as an ox.
6.   Your explanation is as clear as mud.
7.   Watching the show was like watching grass grow.
8.   That is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
9.   This contract is as solid as the ground we stand on.
10.   That guy is as nutty as a fruitcake.




  • Similies compare things that are alike in some way.
  • There are some examples of similies that are most commonly used:
1.   as alike as two peas
2.   as beautiful as the rainbow
3.   as blind as a bat
4.   as brave as a lion
5.   as busy as a bee
6.   as clear as a crystal
7.   as cool as a cucumber
8.   as deep as the sea
9.   as easy as ABC
10.   as faithful as a dog
11.   as fierce as a lion
12.   as graceful as a swan
13.   as loud as thunder
14.   as playful as a puppy
15.   as proud as a peacock
16.   as quick as lightning
17.   as slippery as an eel
18.   as sweet as honey
19.   as timid as a mouse
20.   as wide as the ocean
  • Following are the examples of the similies used in the sentences:
1.   You were as brave as a lion.
2.   They fought like cats and dogs.
3.   He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
4.   This house is as clean as a whistle.
5.   He is as strong as an ox.
6.   Your explanation is as clear as mud.
7.   Watching the show was like watching grass grow.
8.   That is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
9.   This contract is as solid as the ground we stand on.
10.   That guy is as nutty as a fruitcake.