Past Tense

The past tense is a verb tense used for a past activity or a past state of being.
  There are two types of past tenses that you need to be focused on:  
(a) Simple past tense
(b) Past continuous tense


9.1  Simple Past Tense
  • The simple past tense is used to:

(a) Show that something has already happened sometime in the past. 

(b) Express a past habit - use adverbs like 'always', 'often', etc.

(c) Show the passive form

(A) Verbs in the Simple Past
'Be' verbs

It is used to show a state or experience.


(a) Mr. and Mrs. Chong were happy to receive a brand new car.

(b) She was an unknown in her time. 

'Do' verbs

It is used to show an action.


(a) Maria visited her sister in Korea last month. 

(b) She used too many colours in her artwork. 

Regular Verbs

Regular verbs take on the suffix '-ed' or '-d' in the past form

miss missed
live lived
paint painted
use used
notice noticed

Irregular Verbs

Some irregular words change completely while some do not change at all

is was
sell sold
cut cut
become became
run ran
(B) Questions in the Simple Past
  • Verbs for questions in the simple past tense are in the simple past or infinitive form.
  • Example:

Who brought the yellow box to the counter? (simple past)

  • If the question contains 'did', the subsequent verb would be in the infinitive form. 
  • Example:

When did you arrive? (infinitive form)

(C) Negative Sentences in the Simple Past
  • Sentences are made negative using the word 'not' :
  • Examples: did not, was not, were not
(D) Spelling Rules ('-ed')
Rule 1
A consonant + '-e' Add '-d'
erase erased
smile smiled
Rule 2
1 vowel + 1 consonant Double the consonant, add '-ed'
stop stopped
rub rubbed
Rule 3
2 vowels + 1 consonant Add '-ed'
rain rained
need needed
Rule 4
2 consonants  Add '-ed'
count counted
help helped
Rule 5
Consonant + '-y' Change '-y' to '-i', add '-ed'
study studied
carry carried
Rule 6
Vowel + '-y' Add '-ed'
enjoy enjoyed
play played


  The example of simple past tense in the passage.  
      Vincent Van Gogh is a much-celebrated artist today. He was unknown in his time. He was poor and lived in a cramped room. All he possessed was his easel, paint, brushes, a little money, and talent. He used different kinds of lines in his artwork and painted landscapes, still life, and portraits. He always signed his paintings. However, he hardly sold any of his works. Vincent lived a sad life. He slowly became insane. He even cut off his ear. Finally, he shot himself in the chest when he was 37 years old. Today, his works, 'Sunflowers' and 'Starry, starry night' are known as masterpieces. They cost a fortune and often become the focus of attention at exhibitions and auctions.  


9.2  Past Continuous Tense
  • The past continuous tense refers to a continuing action or state that was happening at some point in the past.
  • It is used to:

(a) Show an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past.

(b) Two or more actions in progress at the same time in the past.

(c) Giving background information in a story.

(d) Show the passive form. 

  • The past continuous tense form is as follows:
was/were verb's present participle ('-ing' word)
I was checking the internet for information yesterday. 
Alia was drawing while I was singing.
We were playing with the puppy when our grandparents arrived. 




Past Tense

The past tense is a verb tense used for a past activity or a past state of being.
  There are two types of past tenses that you need to be focused on:  
(a) Simple past tense
(b) Past continuous tense


9.1  Simple Past Tense
  • The simple past tense is used to:

(a) Show that something has already happened sometime in the past. 

(b) Express a past habit - use adverbs like 'always', 'often', etc.

(c) Show the passive form

(A) Verbs in the Simple Past
'Be' verbs

It is used to show a state or experience.


(a) Mr. and Mrs. Chong were happy to receive a brand new car.

(b) She was an unknown in her time. 

'Do' verbs

It is used to show an action.


(a) Maria visited her sister in Korea last month. 

(b) She used too many colours in her artwork. 

Regular Verbs

Regular verbs take on the suffix '-ed' or '-d' in the past form

miss missed
live lived
paint painted
use used
notice noticed

Irregular Verbs

Some irregular words change completely while some do not change at all

is was
sell sold
cut cut
become became
run ran
(B) Questions in the Simple Past
  • Verbs for questions in the simple past tense are in the simple past or infinitive form.
  • Example:

Who brought the yellow box to the counter? (simple past)

  • If the question contains 'did', the subsequent verb would be in the infinitive form. 
  • Example:

When did you arrive? (infinitive form)

(C) Negative Sentences in the Simple Past
  • Sentences are made negative using the word 'not' :
  • Examples: did not, was not, were not
(D) Spelling Rules ('-ed')
Rule 1
A consonant + '-e' Add '-d'
erase erased
smile smiled
Rule 2
1 vowel + 1 consonant Double the consonant, add '-ed'
stop stopped
rub rubbed
Rule 3
2 vowels + 1 consonant Add '-ed'
rain rained
need needed
Rule 4
2 consonants  Add '-ed'
count counted
help helped
Rule 5
Consonant + '-y' Change '-y' to '-i', add '-ed'
study studied
carry carried
Rule 6
Vowel + '-y' Add '-ed'
enjoy enjoyed
play played


  The example of simple past tense in the passage.  
      Vincent Van Gogh is a much-celebrated artist today. He was unknown in his time. He was poor and lived in a cramped room. All he possessed was his easel, paint, brushes, a little money, and talent. He used different kinds of lines in his artwork and painted landscapes, still life, and portraits. He always signed his paintings. However, he hardly sold any of his works. Vincent lived a sad life. He slowly became insane. He even cut off his ear. Finally, he shot himself in the chest when he was 37 years old. Today, his works, 'Sunflowers' and 'Starry, starry night' are known as masterpieces. They cost a fortune and often become the focus of attention at exhibitions and auctions.  


9.2  Past Continuous Tense
  • The past continuous tense refers to a continuing action or state that was happening at some point in the past.
  • It is used to:

(a) Show an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past.

(b) Two or more actions in progress at the same time in the past.

(c) Giving background information in a story.

(d) Show the passive form. 

  • The past continuous tense form is as follows:
was/were verb's present participle ('-ing' word)
I was checking the internet for information yesterday. 
Alia was drawing while I was singing.
We were playing with the puppy when our grandparents arrived.