Types of Responses

5.1 Types of Responses
Types of Plant Responses
  • Tropism responses.
  • Nastic responses.
Tropism Responses
  • A response of plant in which the direction of response is determined by the external stimulus.
Types of Tropism in Plants
  • Geotropism: 
    • Plant response to gravity.
  • Thigmotropism:
    • Plant response to touch.
  • Hydrotropism:
    • Plant respose to water.
  • Phototropism: 
    • Plant response to light.
  • Chemotropism: 
    • Plant response to chemical.
Characteristics of Tropism in Plants

The image is an infographic titled ‘Characteristics of Tropism in Plants.’ It features a light bulb icon in the center with a check mark inside it, symbolizing ideas or knowledge. Surrounding the light bulb are five points arranged in a circular manner: 1. ‘The response is permanent and influenced by plant hormones.’ 2. ‘The response is slow and not apparent.’ 3. ‘The response direction is dependent on the direction of the stimulus.’ 4. ‘Positive tropism: Growth towards direction of stimulus.’ 5. ‘Negative tropism: Growth away from stimulus.’ The infographic uses a color scheme of light blue and orange, with the Pandai logo in the top left corner.

Nastic Responses
  • A response of plant toward a stimulus but the direction of response is determined by itself,not the stimulus direction.
Types of Responses in Plants

This image is an infographic titled ‘Types of Responses in Plants.’ It features a light bulb icon in the center with five types of plant responses arranged around it. 1. **Photonasty**: Plant response to light. 2. **Nyctinasty**: A circadian rhythm that responds towards the onset of darkness. 3. **Thigmonasty**: Plant response to vibration. 4. **Thermonasty**: Plant response to changes in temperature. 5. **Seismonasty**: Plant response to mechanical stimulus. The infographic uses arrows to connect the central light bulb to each type of response. The background is white with text and icons in shades of blue and orange. The Pandai logo is in the top left

Characteristics of Nastic Responses
  • Not all nastic responses are growth responses.
  • This response is quicker and more apparent compared to tropism response.
  • Some nastic responses are intended for survival.



Types of Responses

5.1 Types of Responses
Types of Plant Responses
  • Tropism responses.
  • Nastic responses.
Tropism Responses
  • A response of plant in which the direction of response is determined by the external stimulus.
Types of Tropism in Plants
  • Geotropism: 
    • Plant response to gravity.
  • Thigmotropism:
    • Plant response to touch.
  • Hydrotropism:
    • Plant respose to water.
  • Phototropism: 
    • Plant response to light.
  • Chemotropism: 
    • Plant response to chemical.
Characteristics of Tropism in Plants

The image is an infographic titled ‘Characteristics of Tropism in Plants.’ It features a light bulb icon in the center with a check mark inside it, symbolizing ideas or knowledge. Surrounding the light bulb are five points arranged in a circular manner: 1. ‘The response is permanent and influenced by plant hormones.’ 2. ‘The response is slow and not apparent.’ 3. ‘The response direction is dependent on the direction of the stimulus.’ 4. ‘Positive tropism: Growth towards direction of stimulus.’ 5. ‘Negative tropism: Growth away from stimulus.’ The infographic uses a color scheme of light blue and orange, with the Pandai logo in the top left corner.

Nastic Responses
  • A response of plant toward a stimulus but the direction of response is determined by itself,not the stimulus direction.
Types of Responses in Plants

This image is an infographic titled ‘Types of Responses in Plants.’ It features a light bulb icon in the center with five types of plant responses arranged around it. 1. **Photonasty**: Plant response to light. 2. **Nyctinasty**: A circadian rhythm that responds towards the onset of darkness. 3. **Thigmonasty**: Plant response to vibration. 4. **Thermonasty**: Plant response to changes in temperature. 5. **Seismonasty**: Plant response to mechanical stimulus. The infographic uses arrows to connect the central light bulb to each type of response. The background is white with text and icons in shades of blue and orange. The Pandai logo is in the top left

Characteristics of Nastic Responses
  • Not all nastic responses are growth responses.
  • This response is quicker and more apparent compared to tropism response.
  • Some nastic responses are intended for survival.