Excretion and Defecation

What you need to learn in this topic
  1. State the meaning of excretion and defecation
  2. Identify the organs and products of excretion
  3. Make inferences on the importance to rid products of excretion and defecation
  4. Explain the observations on human excretion and defecation through written or verbal forms, sketches or ICT in a creative way
Live Tuition Recordings
Perkumuhan dan Penyahtinjaan

Tutor: Sir Caen

Wednesday 08 May 2024 09:00 pm
[Chapter 2] Humans - Excretion and Defecation

Tutor: Sir Shah

Monday 06 May 2024 08:00 pm
Pernafasan Manusia

Tutor: Sir Caen

Wednesday 01 May 2024 09:00 pm