Endocrine System

What you need to learn in this topic
  1. State the role of endocrine glands in human
  2. Identify and label the endocrine glands in humans
  3. Analyse the functions of hormones secreted by each endocrine glands: (i) hypothalamus - gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) (ii) anterior lobe of pituitary - growth hormone (GH) - follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) - luteinising hormone (LH) - thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) - adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (iii) posterior lobe of pituitary - oxytocin hormone - antidiuretic hormone (ADH) (iv)thyroid - thyroxine hormone (v) pancreas - insulin hormone - glucagon hormone
  4. Discuss involvements of the nervous system and endocrine system in a “fight or flight” situation
  5. Compare and contrast the nervous and the endocrine system
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