Chapter 1: Listening and Speaking Skills
Chapter 2: Reading Skills
Chapter 3: Writing Skills
Chapter 4: Language Arts

Chapter 1: Listening and Speaking Skills
Topics in this chapter

What you will learn in this topic
- Listen and respond to stimulus given (i) environmental sounds (ii) instrumental sounds (iii) body percussion (iv) rhythm and rhyme (v) voice sounds
- Able to listen and name the 26 letters in the alphabet
- Able to listen, articulate and identify the phonemes
- Able to listen to and say aloud (i) cardinal numbers (1- 20) (ii) ordinal numbers (1st-10th)
- Able to listen to and recite rhymes, sing songs and chant with correct pronunciation, word stress and intonation

What you will learn in this topic
- Able to listen, respond and talk about related topics with correct pronunciation, word stress and intonation at (i) word level (ii) phrase level (iii) sentence level
- Able to participate in daily conversations to (i) introduce oneself (ii) thank someone (iii) exchange greetings (iv) express apologies
- Able to listen and follow simple instructions and directions
- Able to give simple instructions and directions

What you will learn in this topic
- Able to listen and demonstrate understanding of narrative and descriptive audio texts by (i) giving Yes/No replies (ii) giving True/False replies (iii) responding to Wh-questions
- Able to talk about a stimulus by responding to Wh-questions

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