Capsule - Management

Decision Making in the Workplace

Decision Making in the Workplace

Decision making is necessary and important for every organization as part of managerial process. Decision making cannot be made by a body or unit alone. This is because decision making process is cumulative and consultative ...


Data-Driven Instruction Improves  Classroom Instruction

Data-Driven Instruction Improves Classroom Instruction

Managing data is essential for teachers especially in this 21st century teaching. There are many types of data that teachers need to gather and analyze to improve the quality of teaching ...


Managing Conflict At The Workplace (Part Two)

Managing Conflict At The Workplace (Part Two)

Any working organization will not survive if conflict occurs. Therefore, everybody in the organization has to give their full support to generate revenue and productivity for the organization ...


Managing Conflict At The Workplace (Part One)

Managing Conflict At The Workplace (Part One)

Conflict usually arises whenever two individuals suggest opinions in different ways. Conflict is nothing but a fight either between two individuals or among group of member


Ice Breakers for First Day of Primary School

Ice Breakers for First Day of Primary School

The first few minutes of class, kicking off the new school year can be awkward and nerve-wracking for you and your new students...


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