Tips for Teaching Various Subjects

Tips for Teaching Various Subjects

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Many teachers have to face the challenge of teaching multiple subjects at a time. In many schools, new teachers are given their teaching assignments after all the other teachers have highlighted their area and know what they are teaching. This means that in most cases, new teachers will not be assigned the primary teaching task. Instead, they need to teach several different subjects each day.

For example, a new high school Science teacher might be assigned to teach two Economics classes, one History class, and two Language classes. Therefore, they need to make three sets of lesson plans for each day without any actual overlap. The problem becomes, how to stay sane while teaching these subjects with brilliance.


How to Handle Various Subjects

Speaking from experience, various supplies can be very challenging for both new and experienced teachers. New teachers will not benefit from lesson plans that can be implemented in their classrooms. They will start from scratch. On the other hand, experienced teachers who are given a new subject will be forced to move out of their comfort zone as they create another lesson. Here are some ideas that can help both new and experienced teachers as they teach different subject areas.


1.   Organization is the Key to Success

Teachers who face various problems must implement an organizational system that makes sense and works for them.

You may find one or more of the following works for you: No matter what system you choose, it is important that you consistently use it to ensure that you keep your lessons, notes, and grades separate and appropriate.

  • Provide Dedicated File Drawer for Each Class
  • Color Coding File Folder
  • Color Coding Student Folder and Notepad
  • Creating Daily Agendas for Each Class in the Overhead Sheet

2.   Use Available Resources

There are many places you can go to get lesson ideas. Use textbooks and supplementary materials in conjunction with educational web pages to look for ideas that you can quickly modify and incorporate into your designs. If other teachers are also teaching or teaching a particular class, approach them for lesson ideas. Most teachers are more than happy to help in this situation. You'll still want to adapt their lessons to make them your own, but having them as a principle can reduce the time needed for your own supplies.


3.   Pay Attention to the Complex of Lessons on a Given Day

Try not to schedule two complicated lessons on the same day for different subjects. For example, if you have students taking simulations that require a lot of supply and effort on your part, then you may want to create lessons in your other classes that don't require a lot of time and effort.


4.   Use Resources Wisely

In the same way that you want to vary throughout the day to maintain your energy, you will also make sure that you schedule lessons to make it easier for you in the long run. For example, try and schedule lessons that require time at the computer room for one day.


5.   Find Your Way

Teacher burnout is a true phenomenon. Teaching can be a bit stressful with all the pressure and responsibility placed on the teacher. In fact, many subjects are really just adding to the long list that has caused teacher stress. Therefore, you need to do what you can to take care of your own mental health.

It is definitely possible to survive and thrive with a lot of teaching. What it takes is organization, a positive attitude, and the effort to leave your work at school every day.










Tag tips Stress Subjects

Prior knowledge

1.  How do you handle your emotions while teaching two or more subjects?


These are among the tips you can use in teaching various subjects, except


1.  What is meant by implementing an organizational system?
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