Motivating Students Through E-Learning

Motivating Students Through E-Learning

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  • Motivation is the most important factor required by every individual. 
  • Motivation is related to needs, desires, wants or drives within the individuals. It is associated with the cognitive and affective process to stimulate individuals to achieve goals. 
  • There are two types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The two types of motivation enables to engage students to secure interests in a long-term either through physical or online learning. 
  • Teachers would always think about their students’ desire and behavior. As a result, they tend to ask questions such as Do my students enjoy the lesson just now? or Do my students value my teaching just now? If they answer No, it means that teachers did not give them the motivation they need. So motivation is the fuel that makes students invest in their learning.



Elizabeth (2018) stated that motivation falls into one of the motivation categories, intrinsic and extrinsic.


1.   Intrinsic Motivation

  • Intrinsic Motivation is an internal drive for students to desire to work hard to achieve certain goals such as enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment. 
  • It is students’ genuine desire to accomplish the learning activity without expecting rewards from their teachers. This is because they enjoy the process of learning and value it. 
  • Therefore, if students are motivated by intrinsic factors their desire will develop to improve and to do one’s best work. Their motivation will typically remain consistent and can be applied to all types of subjects as well as other activities in and outside school.

Some examples of Intrinsic Motivation are:

  1. Taking part in a sport because students find the activity enjoyable.
  2. Students like to clean their classroom because they like tidying up.
  3. Students like to solve puzzle because they find the activity is challenging, fun and enjoy.
  4. Students like learning the subject because they find it interesting, easy to understand and fascinating.


b.   Extrinsic Motivation

  • Extrinsic Motivation is an external motivation which requires students to do something to achieve only external rewards. 
  •  Teachers use extrinsic motivation to encourage students to accomplish certain tasks to meet specific time and specific goals. Some examples are, to have the desire to receive prizes, praises by teachers or names displayed on the student of the week tab on the class website. MO
  • Here, the students do not enjoy the learning process but the incentives they receive such as money or praise motivates them to continue and do.

Some examples of Extrinsic Motivation are:

1.   Students like to take part in sports because they want to win awards.

2.   Students clean their classroom to avoid being reprimanded by their class teacher.

3.   Students like to take part in a contest to win awards.

4.   Students study very hard because they want to obtain good grades.

  • Rewards cannot be given to students at all times. Too many rewards may not make students to be interested in the topic taught, activity or task and  students may feel that the activity given is like ‘work’ which will result to boredom and not ’play’. As a result learning has no fun and they will not do it seriously.
  • Rewards can only be beneficial at certain situations. Some examples of rewards that be used are:

1.   They can be used to motivate students to learn something new or a challenge subject topic.

2.   To make students to get involved in the learning activity that they are not interested in. and,

3.   To provide feedback to inform their friends that their performance is worthy recognition.



  • Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators play a significant role in learning either in a physical classroom or in a digital format. They drive students’ behavior. The two motivation work together in combination. 
  • Both of the motivation requires students to be motivated to learn. Students need intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to complete tasks and be motivated to learn the information whether is in a physical classroom or online. 
  • Therefore, teachers should use both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators to encourage students to complete their task and more importantly is to make them to learn. 

Disclaimer: This piece of writing is general and is only for reading and sharing purposes. It does not relate to any policies stipulated by the Ministry of Education (MOE).






  • Motivation in Digital Education, Kaylee Adelsberger,2020
  • How to Combine Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Online Learning Harry Cloke, 2015
  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in the Classroom, Elizabeth Muhavill, 2018



Tag Blended Learning, Blended Learning Models students Motivation Intrinsic Extrinsic

Prior knowledge

1.  How do you motivate your students learning either in physical classroom or online?
2.  What do you know about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation? Give some examples of each type of motivation.


How many types of motivation as mentioned here?


1.  Describe what are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as shared here.
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