Application of Derivatives – Tangent and Normal

Application of Derivatives – Tangent and Normal

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1. Tangent and normal to a curve 

Tangent to a curve is a straight line that touches the curve at one point. Normal to the curve at that point is another straight line that is perpendicular to the tangent.




2. Gradient/slope of tangent

As you know, the gradient/slope formula is


\(y_2-y_1 \over x_2-x_1\)


Note that in the above formula, the numerator describes the changes in the dependent variable y and the denominator describes the changes in the independent variable x.

In terms of derivatives, the gradient of tangent is given by


\(m={dy \over dx} \)



Find the gradient of tangent to y=x2-x+3 at point (1,3).


\(m={dy \over dx}=2x-1 \)

\( At (1,3), x=1; \)                    \( m=2(1)-1 =1 \)



Find the gradient of tangent to y=3x2+7x-5 at point (-2,-7).


\( {dy \over dx}=6x+7 \)

\(At \text { } x=-2; \)          \( m=6-2+7 =-5 \)



Find the gradient of tangent to y=2x3-9x2 at point (-1,-11).


\( {dy \over dx}=6x^2-18x \)

\( At \text { }x=-1; \)           \( m=6-12-18(-1) =24 \)


3. Gradient/slope of normal

The relationship between the gradients of two perpendicular lines is




which gives


\(m_2=-{1 \over m_1} \)


Since the normal line is perpendicular to the tangent line, the gradient of the normal line is given by


\(m=-{1 \over {dy \over dx}} \)




Find the gradient of normal to y=x2-3x at point (2,-2).


\({dy \over dx}=2x-3 \)

\( At \text { } x=2; \)          \( {dy \over dx}=2(2)-3 =1 \)

\( ∴ m_{normal}=-11=-1 \)



Find the gradient of normal to y=5x+x2-3 at point (-1,-7).


\({dy\over dx}=2x+5 \)

\( At \text { } x=-1; \)            \( {dy \over dx}=2-1+5 =3 \)

\( ∴ m_{normal}=-13 \)



Find the gradient of normal to y=x3-x2-2 at point (1,-2).


\( {dy \over dx}=3x^2-2x \)

\( At \text { } x=1; \)            \( {dy \over dx}=3-2 =1 \)

\( ∴ m_{normal}=-1 \)



Find the equation of normal to the curve y=2x3-4 at point (1,-2).


\( {dy \over dx}=6x^2 \)

\( At \text { } x=1; \)             \( m=6 \)

\( Then, m_1=-16 \)

\( Normal: y-(-2)=-16x-1 \)

\( 6y+2=-1(x-1) \)

\( 6y+12=-x+1 \)

\( 6y=-x-11 \)




Tag Secondary school Derivatives

Prior knowledge

1.  What is tangent to a curve?
2.  What is normal to a curve?
3.  How is tangent and normal to a curve formed?


Find the gradient of tangent to y=(x-2)(2x+3) at point (12,-6).


Find the gradient of normal to y=3x2+4x-1 at point (2,16).


Find the equation of tangent to y=2x2-3x+1 at point (2,3).


Find the equation of normal to y=(x+3)2 at point (1,16).


Find the equation of normal to y=4-x2-9x2  when x=3.


1.  What is a tangent to a curve?
2.  What is a normal to a curve?
3.  How is gradient of the tangent and normal found using derivative?
4.  How is tangent and normal to a curve formed?
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