Volume of Liquid

6.3  Volume of Liquid

Convert Units of Volume of Liquid

\(\ell\) = 1000 m\(\ell\)

Convert 2 \(\ell\) 360 m\(\ell\) to m\(\ell\).


\(4\,\ell\;\;360\,\text{m}\ell=\) _____ m\(\ell\) 

\(4\,\ell\;\;360\,\text{m}\ell\Longrightarrow\;4\,\ell=4\,000\,\text{m}\ell \\\quad\quad\quad\quad\;\;\Longrightarrow\;360\,\text{m}\ell\)

\(4\,\ell\;\;360\,\text{m}\ell=4\,000\,\text{m}\ell\;+\;360\,\text{m}\ell \\\quad\quad\quad\quad\;\;=4\,360\,\text{m}\ell\)



Addition of Volume of Liquid

Mathematical sentence: \(112\;\ell\;+\;365\;\ell\;+\;78\;\ell=\) _____ \(\ell\)


 \(\begin{array} {rr} \small{\color{red}{1}}\space \small{\color{red}{1}}\quad\quad\; \\\space\space1\space1\space2\quad\ell \\\space\space3\space6\space5\quad\ell \\+\quad\space7\space8\quad\ell \\\hline\space\space5\space5\space5\quad\ell \\\hline \end{array}\)


Substraction of Volume of Liquid

Container A


2 350 \(\text{m}\ell\)

Container B


350 \(\text{m}\ell\)

How much more is the volume of container A than the volume of container B?

Mathematical sentence\(2\,350\;\text{m}\ell\;-\;350\;\text{m}\ell=\) _____ \(\text{m}\ell\)


\(\begin{array} {rr} \\\;2\;3\;5\;0\quad\text{m}\ell \\-\;\;\;\;3\;5\;0\quad\text{m}\ell \\\hline\;\;\;2\;0\;0\;0\quad\text{m}\ell \\\hline \end{array}\)

So, the volume of container A is 2 000 m\(\ell\) more than the volume of container B.


Multiplication of Volume of Liquid

A bottle of fresh milk has a volume of 3 \(\ell\). What is the volume of 6 similar bottles of fresh milk?

Mathematical sentence\(6\;\times\;3\,\ell=\)  _____ \(\ell\)


\(\begin{array} {rr} \\\;\;3\;\;\ell \\\times\;\;\;\quad6\quad \\\hline\;\;\;1\;8\;\;\ell\\\hline \end{array}\)

So, the volume of 6 similar bottles of fresh milk is 18 \(\ell\).


Division of Volume of Liquid

24 \(\ell\) water is filled equally in 3 pails. What is the volume of water in each pail?

Mathematical sentence\(24\;\ell\;\div\;3=\) _____ \(\ell\)


\(\;\;\;\;\;\,8\;\;\ell \\3\overline{\smash{)}2\,4\;\;\ell} \\\,\underline{-2\,4} \\\;\;\;\;\;\,0\)

So, the volume of water in each pail is 8 \(\ell\).



Volume of Liquid

6.3  Volume of Liquid

Convert Units of Volume of Liquid

\(\ell\) = 1000 m\(\ell\)

Convert 2 \(\ell\) 360 m\(\ell\) to m\(\ell\).


\(4\,\ell\;\;360\,\text{m}\ell=\) _____ m\(\ell\) 

\(4\,\ell\;\;360\,\text{m}\ell\Longrightarrow\;4\,\ell=4\,000\,\text{m}\ell \\\quad\quad\quad\quad\;\;\Longrightarrow\;360\,\text{m}\ell\)

\(4\,\ell\;\;360\,\text{m}\ell=4\,000\,\text{m}\ell\;+\;360\,\text{m}\ell \\\quad\quad\quad\quad\;\;=4\,360\,\text{m}\ell\)



Addition of Volume of Liquid

Mathematical sentence: \(112\;\ell\;+\;365\;\ell\;+\;78\;\ell=\) _____ \(\ell\)


 \(\begin{array} {rr} \small{\color{red}{1}}\space \small{\color{red}{1}}\quad\quad\; \\\space\space1\space1\space2\quad\ell \\\space\space3\space6\space5\quad\ell \\+\quad\space7\space8\quad\ell \\\hline\space\space5\space5\space5\quad\ell \\\hline \end{array}\)


Substraction of Volume of Liquid

Container A


2 350 \(\text{m}\ell\)

Container B


350 \(\text{m}\ell\)

How much more is the volume of container A than the volume of container B?

Mathematical sentence\(2\,350\;\text{m}\ell\;-\;350\;\text{m}\ell=\) _____ \(\text{m}\ell\)


\(\begin{array} {rr} \\\;2\;3\;5\;0\quad\text{m}\ell \\-\;\;\;\;3\;5\;0\quad\text{m}\ell \\\hline\;\;\;2\;0\;0\;0\quad\text{m}\ell \\\hline \end{array}\)

So, the volume of container A is 2 000 m\(\ell\) more than the volume of container B.


Multiplication of Volume of Liquid

A bottle of fresh milk has a volume of 3 \(\ell\). What is the volume of 6 similar bottles of fresh milk?

Mathematical sentence\(6\;\times\;3\,\ell=\)  _____ \(\ell\)


\(\begin{array} {rr} \\\;\;3\;\;\ell \\\times\;\;\;\quad6\quad \\\hline\;\;\;1\;8\;\;\ell\\\hline \end{array}\)

So, the volume of 6 similar bottles of fresh milk is 18 \(\ell\).


Division of Volume of Liquid

24 \(\ell\) water is filled equally in 3 pails. What is the volume of water in each pail?

Mathematical sentence\(24\;\ell\;\div\;3=\) _____ \(\ell\)


\(\;\;\;\;\;\,8\;\;\ell \\3\overline{\smash{)}2\,4\;\;\ell} \\\,\underline{-2\,4} \\\;\;\;\;\;\,0\)

So, the volume of water in each pail is 8 \(\ell\).