There are various methods to solve suitable addition operations for numbers up to 100
Siti has 6 marbles. Amir gave him 2 more marbles. How many marbles does Siti have?
Mathematical sentences: \(6 +2= 8\)
Count all of the numbers and list it such as:
The total number of marbles that Siti has is 8.
The picture (left) shows the arrangement of the abacus for number 6.
2 abacus are brought up as an addition operation.
The result is like the picture (right), the abacus shows the arrangement of 8.
We solve this addition problem by adding the number that is, which we will get.
Then, if there are numbers on the left, continue adding as before.
We write the answer as below.
\(\begin {array}{rr} \space\space6\\+\quad\space\space2\\\hline \space\space8 \\\hline \end {array} \)
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