Future Tense

  Verb 'to be'  

1. The present continuous tense is used for plans:

The present continuous is used when we say what we have planned and arranged to do at a specific time in the future. These are fixed plans with a definite time and/or place.


  • I'm doing my homework this evening.
  • I'm starting university in September.
  • Sally is meeting John at seven o'clock this evening in a restaurant downtown.

2. To be + going to + verb:

A. We use 'going to' to express the future when we intend to do something or have decided to do something but did not arrange it. It is just an intention.


  • A: The windows are dirty.
    B: Yes, I know. I'm going to clean them later.
     = I've decided to clean them, but I haven't arranged to clean them.

B. We also use 'going to' to make predictions.

  • Watch out! You are going to break the glass.
  • It's so cloudy! I think it's going to rain.
1.1  Future Simple Tense


  Affirmative Form  

I/ you/ we/ they/ she/ he/ it will/ ’ll go.


I think I will/ ’ll buy the latest merch.

They will/ ’ll attend the party.



  Interrogative Form  

Will I/ you/ we/ they/ she/ he/ it go?


Will you accompany me to the party?

Will they forgive me for my mistakes?



  Negative Form  

I/you/we/they/she/he/it will not/ won’t go.


I told you already, I will not/ won’t meet them!

They will not/ won’t stay for long.



  The use of future simple tense  
  • We use the simple future for instant decisions.
    Example: "I've left the door open; I'll close it."
  • We use the simple future when we predict a future situation:
    Example: "She'll pass the exam. She's hardworking."
  • We use the simple future with: "I (don't) think...", "I expect...", "I'm sure...", "I wonder...", "probably".
    Example: "It will probably rain tonight", "I wonder what will happen?
  • We use the simple future in conditional sentences type one.
    Example: "If I have enough time, I'll watch the film."

Things to remember:

1. We don't use the simple future to say what somebody has already decided or arranged to do in the future. We use instead either the present continuous or "going to + verb"(future plan)

  • Ann is travelling to New York next week. (NOT, "Ann will travel ")
  • Are you going to watch television? (NOT "will you watch").

2. You can use shall instead of will for I and we:

  • shall play football. (Or, I will play ...)
  • We shall play football. (Or, we will play ...)
1.2  Future Continuous Simple Tense
  The form  

Will + Be + Verb-ing



  Affirmative Form  


I will be/ I’ll be watching TV.



  Interrogative Form  


Will you be looking at the sunset?



  Negative Form  


I will not/ won’t be listening to the radio.



  The use of future continuous simple tense  

1. Used to indicate an action that will be taking place at some time in the future.


  • will be watching a football match next Sunday afternoon.
  • We'll be working on our project this morning.
  • When you arrive, I'll be sleeping.
  • will be leaving in a few minutes.
  • We will be working tomorrow morning.
1.3  Future Perfect Simple Tense
  The form  

Will + Have + Verb in the past participle



Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I will / I'll have finished. I will not / won't have finished. Will you have finished?


  The use of future perfect simple tense  

The Future Perfect tense shows that something will occur before:

  1. another action occurs in the future
  2. or before a specific time in the future.


  • By the end of this weekend, I will have revised my lessons.
  • By the time her husband arrives home, she will have prepared dinner.
  • won't have finished this task by the end of June.
1.4  Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  The form  

Will + Have + Been + Verb-ing

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I will have been teaching. I will not/won't have been teaching. Will you have been teaching?


  The use of future perfect continuous tense  

1. Used to show that an event will continue until a particular event or time in the future. It is mostly used with an expression such as:

  • for five minutes
  • for two weeks

These expressions indicate durations.


  • She will have been working for over 8 hours by the time her children arrive.
  • He will have been studying English for three years next month.

Future Tense

  Verb 'to be'  

1. The present continuous tense is used for plans:

The present continuous is used when we say what we have planned and arranged to do at a specific time in the future. These are fixed plans with a definite time and/or place.


  • I'm doing my homework this evening.
  • I'm starting university in September.
  • Sally is meeting John at seven o'clock this evening in a restaurant downtown.

2. To be + going to + verb:

A. We use 'going to' to express the future when we intend to do something or have decided to do something but did not arrange it. It is just an intention.


  • A: The windows are dirty.
    B: Yes, I know. I'm going to clean them later.
     = I've decided to clean them, but I haven't arranged to clean them.

B. We also use 'going to' to make predictions.

  • Watch out! You are going to break the glass.
  • It's so cloudy! I think it's going to rain.
1.1  Future Simple Tense


  Affirmative Form  

I/ you/ we/ they/ she/ he/ it will/ ’ll go.


I think I will/ ’ll buy the latest merch.

They will/ ’ll attend the party.



  Interrogative Form  

Will I/ you/ we/ they/ she/ he/ it go?


Will you accompany me to the party?

Will they forgive me for my mistakes?



  Negative Form  

I/you/we/they/she/he/it will not/ won’t go.


I told you already, I will not/ won’t meet them!

They will not/ won’t stay for long.



  The use of future simple tense  
  • We use the simple future for instant decisions.
    Example: "I've left the door open; I'll close it."
  • We use the simple future when we predict a future situation:
    Example: "She'll pass the exam. She's hardworking."
  • We use the simple future with: "I (don't) think...", "I expect...", "I'm sure...", "I wonder...", "probably".
    Example: "It will probably rain tonight", "I wonder what will happen?
  • We use the simple future in conditional sentences type one.
    Example: "If I have enough time, I'll watch the film."

Things to remember:

1. We don't use the simple future to say what somebody has already decided or arranged to do in the future. We use instead either the present continuous or "going to + verb"(future plan)

  • Ann is travelling to New York next week. (NOT, "Ann will travel ")
  • Are you going to watch television? (NOT "will you watch").

2. You can use shall instead of will for I and we:

  • shall play football. (Or, I will play ...)
  • We shall play football. (Or, we will play ...)
1.2  Future Continuous Simple Tense
  The form  

Will + Be + Verb-ing



  Affirmative Form  


I will be/ I’ll be watching TV.



  Interrogative Form  


Will you be looking at the sunset?



  Negative Form  


I will not/ won’t be listening to the radio.



  The use of future continuous simple tense  

1. Used to indicate an action that will be taking place at some time in the future.


  • will be watching a football match next Sunday afternoon.
  • We'll be working on our project this morning.
  • When you arrive, I'll be sleeping.
  • will be leaving in a few minutes.
  • We will be working tomorrow morning.
1.3  Future Perfect Simple Tense
  The form  

Will + Have + Verb in the past participle



Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I will / I'll have finished. I will not / won't have finished. Will you have finished?


  The use of future perfect simple tense  

The Future Perfect tense shows that something will occur before:

  1. another action occurs in the future
  2. or before a specific time in the future.


  • By the end of this weekend, I will have revised my lessons.
  • By the time her husband arrives home, she will have prepared dinner.
  • won't have finished this task by the end of June.
1.4  Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  The form  

Will + Have + Been + Verb-ing

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I will have been teaching. I will not/won't have been teaching. Will you have been teaching?


  The use of future perfect continuous tense  

1. Used to show that an event will continue until a particular event or time in the future. It is mostly used with an expression such as:

  • for five minutes
  • for two weeks

These expressions indicate durations.


  • She will have been working for over 8 hours by the time her children arrive.
  • He will have been studying English for three years next month.