List of Conjunctions
Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions, also called coordinators, are conjunctions that connect two or more equal items.
Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions are used in pairs. They work in pairs to coordinate two items. Examples of correlative conjunctions include both...and..., either...or, not only... but also...
Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions, also called subordinators, are conjunctions that join a dependent (or subordinating) clause to an independent (or main) clause.
"So" is a small English word that can have different meanings. As mentioned in the table above, it is commonly used as a coordinator rather than as a subordinating conjunction. There are, however, instances when "so" may introduce the purpose, and in this case ", so" is used as a subordinating conjunction. Examples:
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There is something wrong with this question.