
Articles are important because they provide information on a subject.
  There are three types of articles:  
(a)   Indefinite article
(b)   Definite article
(c)   Zero article


5.1  Indefinite Articles
  • There are two articles in this category: 'a' and 'an'.
Article 'a' is used before a countable noun that starts with a consonant sound.  Article 'an' is used before a countable noun that starts with a vowel sound (any of these sounds: a,e,i,o, or u). 


(a) a roller coaster

(b) a ghost house

(c) a useful tool

(d) a university

Note: University is read as 'Yew-ni-ver-si-ty', thus it starts with a 'yew' sound not a 'u' sound. 


(a) an elephant

(b) an unforgettable experience

(c) an orange

(d) an hour 

Note: Even though 'hour' starts with the letter 'h', which is a consonant, the word is read as A-WER. The 'h' sound is not pronounced.


5.2  Definite Article
The definite article 'the' is used to refer to:
 Use Examples
(a) A particular item that can be in the singular or plural form.
  1. The purse I lost was a present from my dad. (singular noun)
  2. The cows in the field belong to Encik Dollah. (plural noun)
(b) Something which is one of a kind.
  1. The earth orbits the sun at an average distance of 149.60 million km.
  2. The moon is the earth's only natural satellite.
(c) Specific places such as buildings, seas, oceans, and rivers.
  1. The Magic Funfair was in town once more. 
  2. The Red Sea is the saltiest ocean in the world. 


5.3  Zero Article
Do not use any article when you refer to a plural object in general. 
Countable Nouns Is zero article possible? Which article to use?

Lions are wild animals.

(Meaning: all lions)

The lions are fed twice a day.

(Specific lions)


Brightly coloured flowers attract butterflies.

(Meaning: all flowers with bright colours attract butterflies)

The flowers in the vase are not real.

(Specific flowers)




Articles are important because they provide information on a subject.
  There are three types of articles:  
(a)   Indefinite article
(b)   Definite article
(c)   Zero article


5.1  Indefinite Articles
  • There are two articles in this category: 'a' and 'an'.
Article 'a' is used before a countable noun that starts with a consonant sound.  Article 'an' is used before a countable noun that starts with a vowel sound (any of these sounds: a,e,i,o, or u). 


(a) a roller coaster

(b) a ghost house

(c) a useful tool

(d) a university

Note: University is read as 'Yew-ni-ver-si-ty', thus it starts with a 'yew' sound not a 'u' sound. 


(a) an elephant

(b) an unforgettable experience

(c) an orange

(d) an hour 

Note: Even though 'hour' starts with the letter 'h', which is a consonant, the word is read as A-WER. The 'h' sound is not pronounced.


5.2  Definite Article
The definite article 'the' is used to refer to:
 Use Examples
(a) A particular item that can be in the singular or plural form.
  1. The purse I lost was a present from my dad. (singular noun)
  2. The cows in the field belong to Encik Dollah. (plural noun)
(b) Something which is one of a kind.
  1. The earth orbits the sun at an average distance of 149.60 million km.
  2. The moon is the earth's only natural satellite.
(c) Specific places such as buildings, seas, oceans, and rivers.
  1. The Magic Funfair was in town once more. 
  2. The Red Sea is the saltiest ocean in the world. 


5.3  Zero Article
Do not use any article when you refer to a plural object in general. 
Countable Nouns Is zero article possible? Which article to use?

Lions are wild animals.

(Meaning: all lions)

The lions are fed twice a day.

(Specific lions)


Brightly coloured flowers attract butterflies.

(Meaning: all flowers with bright colours attract butterflies)

The flowers in the vase are not real.

(Specific flowers)