
4.3 Translocation
  1. Translocation is a transport process of organic substances and other photosynthetic product from a product source to other parts of plant via phloem
  2. The necessity of translocation in plants:
  • Transport sucrose,a photosynthetic product from leaves to other parts of plant for metabolism and storage
  • Transport other organic substances such as amino acids and other organic acids from shoots to other parts of plant for metabolism and storage
  • Pathway of translocation:
  • Mesophyll cells
  • Companion cell
  • Sieve tube
  • Leaf phloem
  • Stem phloem
  • Cells of roots,stem,other shoots,flower and fruit

Mesophyll cells have chloroplast and carry out photosynthesis:

  • Photosynthetic products are transported actively into sieve tube by companion cell
  • The accumulation organic substances in phloem increases the concentration gradient,then water diffuses from surrounding into phloem
  • Hydrostatic pressure generated transports organic substances to other parts
  • At other parts of plant such as root,the organic substances in phloem are transported actively into root cell for metabolism and storage.