Stability and Strength of Objects and Structures

What you need to learn in this topic
  1. Describe the meaning stability and strength by performing an activity
  2. Explain with examples the structures that are strong and stable
  3. Carry out experiments to determine the factors that affect the stability of an object
  4. Carry out experiments to determine the factors that affect the strength of a structure
  5. Generate ideas on the importance of strong and stable structures for sustainable life
  6. Create a strong and stable model structure using suitable recyclable materials
  7. Explain the observations of stability and strength of objects and structures through written or verbal forms, sketches or ICT in a creative way
Live Tuition Recordings
Sains Tahun 6 Unit 11 - Kestabilan dan Kekuatan

Tutor: Sir Caen

Thursday 11 Jan 2024 09:00 pm
Sains Tahun 6 Unit 11 - Kestabilan dan Kekuatan

Tutor: Sir Caen

Thursday 04 Jan 2024 09:00 pm
Sains Tahun 6 Unit 11 - Kestabilan dan Kekuatan

Tutor: Sir Caen

Thursday 28 Dec 2023 09:00 pm
Stability and Strength

Tutor: Tcer Iman

Tuesday 31 Jan 2023 08:00 pm
Kestabilan dan Kekuatan

Tutor: Tcer Iman

Wednesday 17 Aug 2022 08:00 pm