Series circuit and parallel circuit

What you need to learn in this topic
  1. Identify the arrangement of bulbs in series and parallel in a complete circuit
  2. Sketch the series and parallel circuit diagrams using symbols
  3. Compare and contrast the brightness of the bulbs in series and parallel circuits
  4. Carry out experiments to compare the brightness of bulbs in series or parallel circuit by changing the number of bulbs
  5. Carry out experiments to compare the brightness of bulbs in series or parallel circuit by changing the number of dry cells
  6. State the condition of bulbs when a few switches are opened or closed in a series and parallel circuit by carrying out activities
  7. Explain the observations on series and parallel circuits through written or verbal forms, sketches, ICT in a creative way
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[Revision] Revision 1

Tutor: Sir Shah

Tuesday 16 Jul 2024 09:00 pm
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Tutor: Sir Shah

Tuesday 25 Jun 2024 09:00 pm