Ezzat left home at 11 in the morning and arrived at Penang at 2.30 in the evening.
Calculate the speed taken by Ezzat when the distance from his home and Penang is 315km.
A ship is sailing in a distance of 564km with the speed of 83km/h.
What is the time taken for the ship to sail 1128km if the ship sails at a constant speed?
The graph below shows the speed of a bicycle.
What can you observe between point P to Q?
An aeroplane flies from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok.
The time taken for the aeroplane to arrive is in 60 minutes.
The aeroplane flies constantly at 420km/h.
What is the distance from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok?
A student is walking from school to his home for 1500 m.
He takes 30 minutes to reach his home.
What is the walking speed of the student?
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