Strategies for Teaching Slow Learners

Strategies for Teaching Slow Learners

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Teachers need to give support to slow learners during either online or physical learning. Learners are slow not because they have learning ability. They are less good in meeting minimum academic achievement requirements in comparison with other learners. Slow learners should not be ignored because they are still capable as other learners.



Subject teachers can identify whether their learners are slow through their learning impacts such as:

1. Slow learners do not like to read.

2. They are proficient in other tasks rather than subject areas.

3. They have poor memory.

4. They have difficulty in understanding several steps in a task.

5. They may not read fluently.

6. They tend to confuse similar letters, words and symbols.

7. They have difficulty in understanding concepts in Mathematics.


Slow learners also have impact on behaviors such as:

1. They have low self esteem.

2. They have poor concentration span.

3. They are sometimes nervous and quiet.

4. They produce noise distractions in class during learning. and,

5. They always like to move about.



Claudia Pesce and Jemi Sudhakar (2017) suggested some strategies of how to deal with slow learners during classroom teaching and learning. The strategies are:


1.   Rule out Slow Learners’ Problems: Slow learners are usually shy, not motivated and lack of confidence. These students usually dislike getting engaged fully in classroom learning and also not interested in learning the subject content. They are learners that cannot follow the current learning pace.

2.   Provide them with Tools: Slow learners have problems remembering learning content. Teachers are required to provide them with the kind of tools that work for them. For example, in an English Language lesson, teachers can provide slow learners with a list of tenses or verbs, charts with pictures relating to verbs and a small notebook so that they can write and remember what they have learned every day.

3.   Celebrate Small Successes: Some slow learners sometimes can learn at different pace and sometimes will take a longer time to understand the subject learning content. Teachers need to celebrate their successes, give encouragement and offer praise to boost their self confidence and help them to put their efforts into learning.

4.    Pair Them with Good Learners: Slow learners should be seated in groups or paired with good learners when doing tasks. The good learners will become their buddies who can give them guidance.

5.   Arrange Extra Tutoring / Peer Teaching: Slow learners, sometimes, like to move about during learning in class which will disturb other learners’ learning. To avoid this to happen, slow learners need to carry out a quiet tutoring session. They will leave a positive impact because they will start seeing things fall into place. Slow learners usually prefer different learning times and needs.

6.   Go The Extra Mile: Teachers need to go the extra mile when dealing with slow learners. Teachers need to repeat instructions many times and may need to give the instructions in writing. Teachers need to be patient. Going the extra mile is worth doing because slow learners can achieve their learning goals.

7.   Compensatory Teaching: Teachers need to compensate teaching content with other alternative modalities such as pictures versus words. Teachers should modify instructional technique by using more flexible instructional presentations such as pictures and illustrations. Variety of teaching resources should be used. For example, through Youtube viewing, word cards and games.

8.   Vary Instructional Technique: Slow learners need a variety of instructional techniques to keep them engaged in the learning process. The variety in instructional technique enables slow learners to see the same content presented in different ways.

9.   Teach Learning Skills:: Teachers need  to teach slow learners learning skills such as note-taking, outlining and listening. These skills need to be taught specifically to them. 

10.  Provide Minimum Homework: Having minimum homework for slow learners will help them to understand learning better and reduce their anxiety. This maintains their enthusiasm toward school.



In conclusion, it is suggested that teachers should always get engaged with slow learners, apply the strategies and analyze how well teachers’ efforts have been fruitful to the learner. The above strategies would give some insights and help teachers to deal with and teach slow learners. 


Disclaimer: This piece of writing is general and is prepared only for sharing and reading purposes. It has no concern with any policies stipulated by the Ministry of Education (MOE).






1.ESL Teachers Ask: How Do I Deal With A Very Slow Learner? Claudia Pesche,

2. How Can You Teach Slow Learners? Manan Khurma

3.Strategies to Help Low Achievers Succeed. Jemi Sudhakar, 2017.



Tag Teaching Strategies Learning


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